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People and Organizations that Link to my Content

I would like thank the following people and organizations for linking to my content. Their interest is greatly appreciated.

Families Together is the Parent Training and Information center serving Kansas families who include a son/daughter with disabilities.

Families Together has linked to my paper on "Inclusion at The High School Level." They have placed the link on their Least Restrictive Environment  (Inclusion) page.

The School District of Palm Beach County Florida has linked to my unit "The Launching of a New Constitution." It is listed in Subject Area Resources under Tools for Teaching Civics and Political Science

Mr. Matthew Cummings, a United States History & World History teacher  at Bridgeway Island K-8, has linked to my PowerPoint Presentation on "How a Bill Becomes a Law," which is part of my unit "The Launching of a New Constitution."

For over five years, Mr. Smith, a Government and Economics teacher at Hillside High School in Upland California, has used the studyguide that is part of my unit on the Constitution, "The Launching of a New Constitution." I gave him permission to store a copy of the questions on Hillside's server.

The Gnibo search engine is unique as its index contains text blocks instead web pages. The most relevant text blocks matching a query will be returned. These text blocks create an automatically generated article about the topic you were interested in. The most important information you can directly read and if you want more information you can click on the sources references.

The text block on the left references my Groucho Marx page. Now, a search engine linking to content is nothing spectacular, but this concept is interesting.


Created and maintained by Catherine C. Schifter, Ph.D., for the College of Education, Temple University through her Carnegie CASTL 2000-2001 Fellowship. The listings here are not intended as an endorsement of any kind, but as a list of resources teachers and preK-12 education students should evaluate and use as appropriate for their needs....